
Kodak Safety Film

its sad to hear kodak filing bankrupt, stopping digital production, and the stop of slide film. nonetheless, i found these kodak safety film from my grandparents taken during their wedding in the 1950s. and some researching was done to lead to the following conclusions:

  • cellulose nitrate was first used for film bases but the problem was that they are highly flammable
  • if caught on fire, difficult to extinguish, gives more oxygen to feed the fire and also toxic fumes
  • aged and decomposed negatives especially flammable
  • 1930s, replaced with cellulose acetate, with safety printed on the negative
  • was an advertising point in '40s and '50s for old film boxes and the film itself being identified as safety film
  • may include a date code (Kodak print films prior to 2001) or an actual printed 4-digit year.
  • may include an emulsion number uniquely identifying the print stock (newer stocks, only)
  • No Kodak film manufactured after 1951 is nitrate, and no film of any kind is polyester before 1955.

raw scan with no back light 

assuming these were taken in 1953 as both had 53 on them 

Self Scanned by: Canoscan 8800F

Photo.net - Kodak Safety Film
Wikipedia - Film base


Quick fix for loose lens / zoom creep

got kinda annoyed that the EFS 17-85mm keeps getting loose when facing downwards so found a quick fix for it. a common problem for this lens. not the best solution but it works. idea is just to use an elastic band hold the zoom so it doesn't drop loose by itself

all you need is a small black hair elastic band easily found at a dollar store and put it around the lens
hair elastic band 
falling loose 
set half sitting over the zoom ring
other half over the black ring where the word macro is, above the focus ring
and it's done

might not work for heavier/longer lens as there is limit to how much the hair elastic can hold

sort of modified the one on instructables. that one teaches you to slip one end into the gap of the focus ring. i tried it with another lens and when i zoomed, the whole elastic ended inside the gap. the autofocus will not move and you can hear the motor working. had to spend time using tweezers to get it back out. just make sure it doesn't fall into the gap. thicker elastic may work as well as i'm not slipping the end in the gap, i just used the materials mentioned on instructables


Camera Straps

after photography became my hobby, collecting camera related items also became my hobby

Canon EOS, Levis, The Little Prince, Hello Kitty, Adidas 

  • the left one named heritageHK was bought from Club Canon Hong Kong
  • this particular one features different street signs in Hong Kong
  • "Canon collaborated with renowned local design unit for a new “HK8logy” camera strap collection, designed to feature the unique culture of Hong Kong"
  • the rest are all authentic camera straps with different companies collaborating with magazines
  • downside is they are all only suitable for lighter DSLRs such as 600D
  • use the Adidas one for my GF1


50D - Home-made Food 3

Camera: Canon 50D
Time: January 2012
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