first time i saw this was in someone else's blog. when i saw it i knew i had to get one and build it. i order mine from the local japanese bookstore. around $5x CAD. this kit is from a japanese magazine and every issue is a different diy toy. people got so crazy about it that it was sold out everywhere and then they had to make a 2nd batch. they also made 2 different other kinds cameras in previous issues; pinhole camera, stereo pinhole camera. i have also seen some awesome mods of this camera so i guess this plastic toy does have some potential.
my first 2 rolls ended up pretty bad. i thought the focus was pretty hard to get because it was pretty hard to see; the film was jammed at some point, when i thought i finished rewinding the film, ended up that half was stuck and some were exposed; theres no counter so you don't know when you finish, 2nd roll i pulled too much out and it got stuck. guess i need to practice more.
heres a link to the contest the magazine held, some interesting pictures: