
DIY DSLR Fish-eye Lens

in order to make a fish eye lens, you'll need the following:
- rear lens cap / front lens cap 
- bench drill (best option but you can also use a hand drill)
- door eye viewer (got mine from a dollar store, the wider the better)

1. find the center of the cap and drill a hole the size of the viewer
2. pop the bottom half/nut part through the hole
3. screw the viewer on and it's done

rear cap and door eye viewer

right: EOS mount to 58mm ring (reverse macro ring)

mounted on 18-55mm lens

used a rear cap since i had a spare one and also have the reverse ring. doesn't really matter but the longer the distance between the lenses the better. and there's also the possibility of scratching the lens/filter if you push the metal part too far back
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